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Name:Mikumo Akashiya kuran


Birth Name:Mikumo Akashiya kuran françoise de blanc de la valliere Von Phoenix Gremory Sonozaki Deviluke

Age:3 (Chronologically)

Title:Star Singer

Nicknames:Kumo Kumo,Mysterious Venus

Occupation:Walküre Singer,Princess

Affiliation:Walküre,Gremory Clan,Phenex Clan,The Royal Family

Hair Color:Purple with Pastel Blue Highlight (Original) Ultramarine (Human/Disguise)

Eye Color:Maroon Red


Race:Shinso Vampire,Sekirei,Pureblood

Relatives:Akasha Bloodriver (Mother) Kaname Kuran (Father) Finé (Aunt) Kaname Akashiya Kuran (Older Sister) Sheryl Akashiya kuran (Sister) Rias Akashiya kuran (Sister) Elizabeth Akashiya kuran (Sister) Lindo Kuran (Brother) Sirzechs Lucifer (Older Brother) Akeno Akashiya kuran (Sister) Alas=Ramus (Niece) Millicas Gremory (Nephew) Saeko Akashiya kuran (Sister) Cadis Etrama Di Raizel (Oldest Brother)
